I'm a Sydney-based professional photographer with over 30 years of experience capturing people and places in Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific, Europe and Asia. My clients include government organisations, corporations, tourism agencies, magazines and book publishers, as well as small and medium size enterprises.
My texts and photos are published in major Australian, New Zealand, German, French and American magazines and publications. I'm a regular contributor to the Journal of the Australian Geographic Society and since 2002, have been a member of LOOK, one of Germany's leading image libraries.
Born in Murnau in Bavaria/Southern Germany, I graduated in economics and did my apprenticeship with the leading German travel magazine ABENTEUER & REISEN. For six years from 1987 to 1993, I worked as an editor for the mountaineering magazine, BERGE. I've been working as a freelancer ever since and am the author and photographer of several books. I moved to Sydney/Australia in 1995.